Sayedra Psychology Blog & : Movies Sayedra Psychology Blog & : Movies en Copyright 2022 Sayedra Software & All Rights Reserved. "THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW" FILM ANALYSIS The movie "The Woman in the Window" focused on agoraphobia, antisocial personality disorder, and their symptoms, which developed after the shocking event experienced by Anna Fox. Anna Fox spends most of the day watching her neighbors. The film tells the story of Anna Fox, who thinks she saw a murder. Anna is a character who has difficulty coping with the tragic events in her life while continuing her career as a child psychologist. With the pain of losing his wife and daughter, he has become unable to leave his home, which he sees as a safe haven. This internal conflict made his daily life static and isolated. Meeting Anna's neighbors, especially the time she spent with Aliastair, Jane and Ethan, added a new perspective to her life. However, Anna's perception of reality is shaken by her testimony that Jane is dead. His efforts to explain this situation to the police get stuck in prejudices about his psychological health. The fact that she takes medication, consumes alcohol, and does not leave the house undermines the credibility of what Anna says. In an effort to find evidence, Anna tries to prove the truth by using the cat photo she took while chatting with Jane in the kitchen. However, their efforts are initially unsuccessful and the police continue to believe that Jane is still alive. However, it later becomes clear that the person killed was not actually Jane, but Aliastair's ex-wife Katherine, who introduced herself as Jane. The film is shaped by Anna's trauma, isolation and her relationship with reality. While the pain of losing his wife and daughter affects his life, the events he experiences with his neighbors help him face this trauma and reveal the truth.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder in which a person exhibits long-lasting stress responses following a traumatic event. According to DSM-5, PTSD is defined based on specific criteria. These criteria include intrusive memories lasting more than a month after the trauma, distress towards internal and external stimuli related to the trauma, recurrent nightmares, avoidance of traumatic events, development of negative thoughts and emotions, and changes in behavior related to this experience. Anna appears to have experienced similar symptoms following the loss of her husband and child. It turns out that the flying images Anna sees during her panic attack are actually snowflakes flying as a result of a snow-related disaster. From here it becomes clear that Anna is experiencing flashbacks. The fact that he believes they are alive and claims that they talked on the phone shows that he is in denial about the terrible scenario he is in. From this we can conclude that the ability to evaluate reality is inhibited. Moving away from others or feeling alienated indicates avoidance behaviors. Arousal is the sudden shock caused by sounds. This assessment shows that Anna has symptoms of PTSD and is under the influence of the trauma she experienced. At this point, it is important to get professional help and be directed to treatment processes.


The first pathological disease featured in the film is Anna's agoraphobia. Having lost his wife and daughter as a result of the tragedy, he became distrustful of the outside world and became unable to leave the house where he had built a safe haven for himself. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) of the American Psychiatric Association, agoraphobia is included among the anxiety disorders. When we look at the DSM-5 A and B diagnostic criteria, we can see that there is a lot of fear and anxiety about taking public transportation, being in closed spaces, being in crowded places, and leaving the house. The main character of the film, Anna Fox, shows signs of not being able to leave her home. Although there are no visuals of Anna taking public transportation or being in a crowd in the movie scenes, it is assumed that this situation will cause serious anxiety in her. Reasons for not seeing the outside as a safe area may include his phone not working and not being able to reach anyone when he wanted to call for help to save his wife and daughter. As a result of the trauma he experienced, he thinks "No one can save me when I need help." Another striking aspect of agoraphobia in the movie is that the therapist visits Anna's house regularly and organizes the sessions accordingly. Another notable moment is when Anna wakes up to the sound of eggs being thrown into her house during the Halloween celebrations. He should approach the door and warn the children. However, this was an extremely difficult situation for her, and when Anna reached the door, her heart rate increased, she began to cry, and we see that she eventually fainted in terror.


Antisocial personality disorder can be interpreted by looking at the behavior of Ethan, the murderer of the movie. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder engage in illegal actions that violate social standards, such as lying, truancy, stealing, fighting, and substance use, and they do not feel bad about it. Ethan's disdain for the rights of others, violent outbursts of anger at school, his tendency to lie, and his inability to empathize can all be attributed to antisocial behavior.

Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:24:04 +0300 Berra Deniz Keskin
Analysis of the Movie 'The Kid' Rusty is a sweet, but little bit geeky,  weird little kid who painfully reminds Russ of everything he hated about himself the time when he was a child-a fat, little cry-baby who was the daily bullied of the school bullies-an image Russ has worked hard to overcome and consciously forget. On the other hand, he overreacts madly when someone shows their child side and cannot stand at that situation. These reactions come from ‘criticizing parenting’.

Him and his girlfriend, Amy, generally argue about the time Russ changes suddenly and Amy mentions like that “whenever I think about his form (his natural child side comes out) you ruin everything before I even feel the joy of it (criticizing parenting reactions). Additionally, he uses critical, parental language when speaking with Miss Janet, his secretary. These are typically child-generated attitudes that are critical of their parents. for the most part, he is immature and irrationally angry. He ends the call with Miss Janet each time. He expresses his wishes, asks impulsive questions that come to mind, gets his suspicions confirmed, and then abruptly ends the call.

Other than his clients, Russell doesn't interact with many people on a daily basis. He makes it difficult for anyone to approach him. When her father unexpectedly visits her office, he questions Miss Amy about why he allowed her to enter without telling her. Even his closest relatives are inside his boundaries, but he cannot accept that. The anger he feels towards his father is very fresh, even though he hasn't seen him for years. Russell is upset with his father for a number of reasons, including the fact that he blames himself for his mother's passing, that as a child he ignored his own anxieties and vented his rage on her, that he fails to provide for her in trying times, that he treats her more like a critical parent than a loving one, and that he withholds his love, warmth, and attention. He believes he can escape everything that makes him think of his early years by staying away from family get-togethers. Furthermore, the majority of his early recollections have been lost. The only feelings still present from those memories are theirs.

Russell intends to face his past when he chooses to spend a week with Russ from the past. Naturally, things happen one after the other. He can see the exact moment his eye started to twitch when he travels back in time. His father shakes and angrily informs his son that his mother is seriously ill and will pass away shortly. If Russ doesn't stop upsetting her, they will lose him much sooner. Russ twitches an eye trying to figure out what this is all about. Russell notices the surprise and tears in his first eye twitch. "Is my mother going to die because of me?" Russ questioned. He answers the question in a compassionate voice, explaining that his father actually reacted this way because he took responsibility for Russ and could not handle it on his own. Maybe that's when he forgives his father for the first time. As an adult, he understands why his father reacted the way he did. Russell's attitude also changes when he goes back to his past. He gives natural child reactions. She has fun with Russ, time passes together, and her natural reactions from the past reemerge. He begins to respond to the same stimuli in the same way as Russ. Tics and patterned behaviours emerge. While he is an image maker, he thinks it is pointless to try to change people and put them into certain molds. Russ makes the first criticism on this issue. He says you advise people to lie.

Adler states in his theory that there is huge importance of social interest, lifestyle, sense of inferiority - striving for superiority, superiority complex, life tasks, family influence and early recollections in our lives. For social interest, when the main character who is Russ observed, he is quite weak in terms of relationship with people around. There is no close friend around him, and he is pretty distant to people. For instance, when his father tries to be close to him, he cannot close to his father and just help him materially. In addition to this, the people he communicates with most frequently are his secretary Janet and his assistant Amy. He is also in business-oriented meetings with them. Furthermore, Russ reacts to the communication that others want to initiate. As a matter of fact, it is possible to see this reaction in his communication with Deirdre, the lady sitting next to him during the plane journey. When Deidre tries to communicate with him, Russ says “What will I earn from this?” According to these, we can inference from these that Russ has no idea about having and building relationships, he just sees the material side of relationships and there is no beyond that. But after facing with his past self, he starts to realize situations which make weak her social interests. The last parts of the movie, the relationship with people, Rusty, Amy, Janet, Deidre and his dad, become stronger.

Lifestyle shaped from five to eight years old. The first experiences from child, relationship with family, birth order and other factors affect the lifestyle. Adler states four different types which are ruling, leaning, avoiding and socially useful ones. According to these, we can observe two of them in the movie which are ruling and socially useful. The main character of movie who is Russ has ruling type, Amy and Deidre has socially useful type. When the lifestyle attitudes stated by Adler as character typology are examined, it can be said that Russ is first included in the "dominant type". In the first scene of the movie, Russ cannot stand waiting for the customer before him while paying the bill at the cash register, so he pays the customer's fee and displays a rude, domineering attitude towards him. The customer perceives this as a kind gesture and thanks him. Russ then said, "I didn't do it for you, check your luggage next time." He once again shows his rude and domineering attitude with his statement. Russ becomes more of a "socially useful type" toward the end of the movie, even though he is still the "ruling type" for the majority of it. Russ confronts the bad memories of his childhood in his conversation with Rusty to face the scene where he breaks up with Deirdre. He also does this in his subsequent phone conversation with his secretary Janet when he surprises her by taking off. The sequences where he buys her the ticket and tells her that his father will help her move the house. Additionally, we can see the change of his lifestyle from Russ’ sentence, his tone of voice and body language since it becomes softer, and he started to ask kindly rather than command sentences and calmer tone voice rather than angry tone.

Inferiority and superiority are the terms which overlap each other. In his childhood, since he is bullied and beaten in the school, Russ asks for help from boxer to teach him defend himself. Russty's beating by his friends makes him feel inadequate compared to his peers. It can be said that this situation caused him to feel inferior, and that he tried to overcome this in a healthy way by learning boxing (since it is a defense sport) and that he "strived for superiority". On the other hand, Russ choose a job where he can be superior and being image consultant contributes to him to forget past himself. When he takes his child self to Amy and child version of him watches television, scratch his belly, and blend his nose, Russ directly ashamed himself. These scenes directly show both sense of inferiority and striving for superiority terms. Russ develops superiority complex to overcome with him inferiority feeling. We can observe Russ when he has cynical type of communication and easily criticize people.

Family influences has a role in the movie and there are some parts which inform us about the relationship between Russ and his father. His mother passed away when Russ was 9 years old for that reason there is not many scenes about him and his mother. In his childhood and adult life, there is an influence because of his dad. Since Russ’ dad is authoritarian and punisher, Russ develops anger towards him. On the other hand, he takes his dad a role model and adopt similar communication style. It can be seen the scenes where Ross command and yell at people.

Life tasks in the movie can be seen in the first place like that Russ has a job and really successful in it. But still Russ does not feel successful since he cannot be pilot which is his childhood dream. Even though Russ fulfils his life task, he cannot carry out his childhood dream and cannot fulfil completely and feel unsuccessful about that.

About early recollections, in the movie it can be observed that Russ forgets his memories about his childhood. He asks help from Rusty to remember. The first thing he remembered that they moved on 12 times, and he fell apart from their roof. These memories strongly affect and traumatized him. After talking his child version and remember what he went through, it can be seen that Russ repress the situations that affect him and forget them.  

If you decide to watch ‘The Kid’, you can find some things in this movie and think about yourselves as well. After all, we continue to carry with us the traces of things that everyone knows, things we don't know or have forgotten, like baggage.


Derin, S., & Yıldız, E. Ç. (2018). An Adlerian analysis of “The Kid” movie. Eğitim Ve Bilim, 43(193).

Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:38:51 +0300 Ela Gönder
A Beautiful Mind (2001) While the film is based on the life of mathematician John Nash, some parts of his life and events have been dramatized or altered for cinematic purposes. The film's aim is to narrate Nash's life and his struggle with mental illness, but it may contain some deviations from historical accuracy. For instance, the film emphasizes Nash's relationship and marriage with his wife, Alicia, while in real life, their relationship may have been more complex. Additionally, certain events and characters may have been added or altered for visual and dramatic impact. However, "A Beautiful Mind" aims to pay tribute to John Nash's life and achievements by narrating his battle with both his mathematical genius and his mental illness. While watching the film, it's important to remember that there may be differences between the dramatization and actual historical events.

The film has generally received positive reviews and earned a 74% approval rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes based on 214 reviews. It also has an IMDb rating of 8.2/10.

The story explores how John Nash found his place in a world filled with mathematical brilliance during his young years at Princeton University. Nash is recognized as a true genius with numerous mathematical theorems to his name. However, despite his high intelligence, Nash faces difficulties in social relationships and personal interactions. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, Nash struggles to cope with the symptoms of the illness. His wife, Alicia, is his greatest supporter throughout his life. Even during periods when Nash finds it challenging to distinguish between reality and delusions due to his schizophrenia, Alicia stands by his side. The film highlights Alicia's love, sacrifice, and the hardships she endures, making her a significant figure in Nash's life. The relationship between the two is a central theme and emotional core of the film. 

While battling his illness, Nash continues his mathematical work, eventually experiencing a process of regaining his mental health. This journey serves as a turning point in Nash's life, illuminated by the support and love of those close to him. The film aims to emphasize both Nash's mathematical brilliance and his struggle with mental illness, contributing to raising awareness about mental health. Through this, it offers a different perspective for viewers to understand the complexity and resilience of the human mind.

Directed by Ron Howard, I would recommend adding this beautiful film to your list if you haven't watched it yet.

Fri, 01 Sep 2023 13:03:16 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp
Taxi Driver (1976) Credits

Year of Production: 1976

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Director: Martin Scorsese

Cast: Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster

IMDb: 8.2/10


Travis Bickle, portrayed by Robert De Niro, is a Vietnam War veteran and former sailor. After returning from the war, he makes a living as a taxi driver, working night shifts on the dangerous streets of New York City. During his time as a taxi driver, Travis bears witness to the grim and violent atmosphere of the city. Due to feelings of alienation and loneliness that he experiences, he begins to act according to his own sense of justice. 

The life of the main character changes as they become obsessed with a politician, and this transformation occurs after meeting Betsy. Travis tries to capture Betsy's attention by arranging for her to take a taxi ride, but interestingly, Travis's plan backfires, leading to complicated relationships. Betsy is a woman working at the campaign office of the politician who Travis has developed an obsession for. During their relationship, Travis becomes involved in the politician's campaign out of his desire to be close to them and offer assistance. As the relationship between Travis and Betsy becomes more complex, Travis decides to take on the gloomy atmosphere and crime-fighting in the city. Alongside his obsession with the politician, Travis's attempt to rescue the prostitute Iris contributes to his deteriorating mental state and eventual turn towards violent actions. Eventually, Travis begins to formulate an assassination plan for the politician he has fixated on, and during the campaign, he targets the politician for the assassination. However, the assassination attempt fails and attracts the attention of many people in the city. Travis gradually loses focus on his main target and, one day, meets his own end within a building, resembling an unsuccessful hero.

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Travis's psychological state can be easily described under five main headings:

Loneliness and Social Isolation: After returning from the Vietnam War, Travis feels alienated in the city where he lives. He lives by himself and struggles to connect with others. Because of this, the lack of proper communication with people around him and the absence of a reliable social support network play a significant role in exacerbating Travis's mental issues. Emphasizing the importance of a social support network for preserving and improving mental health helps us understand the difficulties Travis faces.

Psychological Distress: Throughout the film, Travis's internal monologues and journal entries reveal the complexity of his thoughts and mind. Over time, he starts showing signs of paranoia and a tendency towards violence, navigating an uncertain line between reality and his imagination. The iconic mirror scene can be used as an example of this. Furthermore, Travis's experience of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his time in the Vietnam War is central to his psychological state. The horrors and losses of the war impact Travis's daily life. Symptoms like sleep problems, nightmares, exaggerated reactions, and frequent flashbacks illustrate his struggle to cope with his traumatic experiences, further deepening his challenges in fitting into society.

Travis's Search for Identity: Resorting to violence to clean up the city's streets, Travis strives to be a "good man" and impose his own sense of justice in response to societal injustices and moral decay. Additionally, Travis's identity crisis and perception of masculinity are essential components of the psychological analysis. Trying to find his place in post-war society, Travis grapples with the conflict between traditional masculinity norms and the changing dynamics of the modern world. This struggle is reflected in his need to prove himself and his tendencies towards aggression.

Media and the Impact of Violence: Travis's progression towards violent actions and the kamikaze-style final scene provide an opportunity to critically examine the influence of media and violent content on individuals. The film allows for a discussion on how media might affect individuals with psychological issues like Travis, shaping them in negative ways.

Professional Help and Early Intervention: Travis's story underscores the critical nature of early diagnosis, professional assistance, and appropriate treatment methods in addressing psychological issues. Travis's psychological breakdown could have led to a different outcome with early intervention and professional therapy.

In conclusion, Taxi Driver is an intriguing film both in terms of its narrative and its main character. It's a film that definitely deserves a chance to be watched and appreciated.

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 16:13:11 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp
Smile (2022) Credits

Year of Production: 2022

Genre: Psychological Horror

Director: Parker Finn

IMDb Rating: 6.5/10

Letterboxd Rating: 2.9/5

My Thoughts on the Film

While Smile is filled with horror film clichés and jump scare scenes, I can say that it successfully manages to draw the audience into the story. Although I'm not particularly fond of horror films, I want to mention that I enjoyed this film due to its atmosphere and fluidity. If you're not too bothered by bloody scenes, I recommend giving this film a chance and watching it.


Doctor Cotter is a therapist working in an emergency psychiatric service. The events unfold when Laura, a doctoral candidate, is brought to therapist Cotter's attention. Laura claims to have seen something resembling a person, but no one believes her. What she claims to see is something that uses people's faces as masks and smiles at Laura. During the session, things take a turn for the worse, and the events become more complex. According to Doctor Cotter, Laura was experiencing paranoid delusions. However, when Cotter starts experiencing the same hallucinations, things take an interesting turn. From this point on, the story focuses entirely on Cotter. As Rose Cotter goes through tense moments, she becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the phenomenon, as it negatively affects both her relationship with her fiancé and her surroundings. As a result, we not only learn about Cotter's traumatic past but also gather information about the cause of the hallucinations through a series of interconnected incidents.

Tue, 27 Jun 2023 16:07:38 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp

Year of Production: 2022

Genre: Drama

Director: Darren Aronofsky

Cast: Brendan Fraser, Sadie Sink, Hong Chau, Ty Simpkins


The film revolves around Charlie, an online English teacher who provides remote education. Charlie is portrayed as a man weighing 270 kilograms, suffering from health problems and having abandoned his daughter and wife years ago. Having lost his boyfriend in the past, Charlie now lives alone in the house they used to share. Liz, a nurse and his supportive friend, frequently visits him. Lately, Charlie has started reconnecting with his daughter and makes efforts to get to know her better and rebuild their relationship.

ANALYSIS (Spoiler Alert)

Our main character, Charlie, never leaves the house. He confines himself to the edge of the couch, the bathroom, and the bedroom. His only connection to the outside world is through the online classes he teaches. Years ago, he left his wife and daughter for another man, and after that man's death, Charlie began living alone, allowing his weight to spiral out of control. Charlie, who experiences health problems related to obesity and has an obsession with an essay his daughter wrote about "Moby Dick" years ago, finds solace in reading it whenever he feels close to death, either by himself or to others. Despite his health issues, he refuses to go to the hospital and continues to exhibit excessive eating behaviors. He struggles to move and requires support for most physical activities. The film's narrow format makes it easier for the audience to empathize with a large body like Charlie's. Alongside the physical suffering Charlie endures, the psychological drama is strongly felt throughout the story. However, the story offers more than just the painful journey of a man who becomes obese after trauma; it does so through the lens of the father-daughter relationship. Realizing he is nearing death, Charlie attempts to reach out to his daughter. Successfully luring her home with promises of money and help with her assignments, Charlie seeks to rebuild a connection with her. Beneath his weight of over 270 kilograms, Charlie possesses a gentle and compassionate spirit. Seeing his daughter for the first time in years allows us to witness this side of him. Charlie has been saving money for his daughter for years and even refuses to spend it on his own health. Despite his efforts, his rebellious teenage daughter fails to appreciate what he does. Even her mother holds negative views about her, but Charlie, in contrast to everyone else, tries to see the goodness within his daughter. He is even accused of being overly positive by his ex-wife. Charlie considers his daughter's essay on "Moby Dick" to be the best piece he has ever read in his life, leading him to believe that she will be a good writer. He wants to prove this to her as well. After Ellie reconciles Thomas, the missionary, with his family, Charlie becomes convinced that his daughter is a good person. Knowing he has done one thing right in his life, Charlie values his daughter above all else. He feels guilty and therefore cares deeply about Ellie's future. As he realizes he is nearing the end of his life, in the final scene of the film, Charlie achieves what he desires. His daughter reads the essay she wrote years ago aloud to him, and Charlie finally finds peace.

Wed, 17 May 2023 15:09:35 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp
Whiplash CREDIT

Title: Whiplash

Year of Production: 2004

Genre: Drama

Director: Damien Chazelle

Actors: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons


Whiplash follows the story of Andrew Neiman, a young drummer who gets accepted into the prestigious Shaffer Conservatory. There, he meets Terence Fletcher, a teacher with a harsh demeanor who serves as the conductor of a jazz orchestra. After Fletcher brings him into the orchestra, events unfold as Fletcher uses psychological and physical abuse to push his students towards a pursuit of musical perfectionism. Over time, Andrew begins to be affected by Fletcher's extreme methods and begins to use the same techniques himself. This negatively impacts both his music career and personal life. In short, the film portrays Andrew's struggle to develop his musical talent despite the exhausting training by Fletcher.

The Perfectionist Tyrant

Fletcher is an incredibly perfectionist character and equally ruthless tyrant. What is perfectionism? In short, perfectionism is often defined as setting difficult standards for oneself or others, striving constantly to meet these standards, and avoiding mistakes. Perfectionism can lead to positive results in many areas, such as helping to produce high-quality work. However, excessive perfectionism can also have negative consequences. For example, individuals can become overly critical of themselves and others or experience constant stress in various areas. Fletcher tries to reach his own definition of perfectionism, using violence, insults, and hours of hard work on his students. He tries to create high-quality work, but this leads to negative results for himself and his students.

The Perfectionist Drummer

Andrew's involvement in Fletcher's orchestra creates a chance to be the best in his field. Fletcher's bullying behavior drives Andrew to reach the highest level of perfectionism. Andrew also desires to be the best of himself, just like Fletcher. He breaks up with his girlfriend to focus on his drumming and practices until his fingers bleed. He even goes to the concert with injuries from a car accident. Because he refuses to give up his place in the orchestra. All these efforts eventually pay off. Andrew's fantastic drum solo at the end of the film is proof that their unconventional pursuit of perfectionism has led to a high-quality work.

Mon, 24 Apr 2023 16:32:20 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp
The Machinist


Year of Production: 2004 

Genre: Thriller 

Director: Brad Anderson 

Cast: Christian Bale 



The film tells the story of Trevor Reznik, who suffers from insomnia. Trevor is a machinist working in a factory who has been experiencing severe sleep problems for the past year. As Trevor struggles to sleep, he becomes physically and mentally weaker each day. He begins to distance himself from his coworkers and boss, and the only person in his life is the waitress, Maria. One day, Trevor causes an accident at work which results in a worker losing his arm, and he feels guilty for his involvement. As a result, he is ostracized by his coworkers. Trevor also begins to believe that someone is following him and leaving messages for him. As his life spirals out of control, Trevor struggles to differentiate between reality and hallucination, and he investigates the cause of his sleep disorder. Eventually, Trevor is forced to confront the dark secrets of his past. The film provides a great example of how insomnia can affect a person while also captivating the audience with its thrilling scenes. 



  • Trevor Reznik 

Trevor lost his mother at a young age and was involved in a hit-and-run accident with a young child a year ago. He has been experiencing sleep problems ever since. Additionally, he has difficulty with social support due to living alone for years. He has lost a lot of weight due to insomnia and appears skeletal. He feels constantly physically exhausted. His lack of focus caused the work accident, which is a prime example of his situation. He exhibits irritable behavior during waking hours, and he experiences delusions. He believes that someone named Ivan is following him and threatening him. 



  • Causes 

Insomnia, or sleep disorder, is a condition where the quality or quantity of sleep is inadequate. There can be many different causes, but the most common reasons include stress, anxiety, depression, physical pain or discomfort, side effects of medication, and irregular sleep patterns. 

  • Symptoms 

Symptoms of insomnia or sleep disorder include frequent awakenings during sleep, difficulty falling asleep, early awakening, inadequate sleep duration, feeling tired, daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and restlessness. Long-term insomnia can negatively affect physical and mental health and lower quality of life. 


Mon, 17 Apr 2023 23:29:54 +0300 Berk Yiğitalp
"Toc Toc: Confronting Obsessive Compulsive Disorders" "Toc Toc" is a movie that tells the story of six characters with different obsessive-compulsive disorder problems who come together due to a malfunction in the appointment system and are confronted with their disorders. OCD is a disorder characterized by repetitive thoughts and impulses (obsessions) and an irresistible need to engage in repetitive behavior or mental actions (compulsions). The person tries to ignore, suppress, and neutralize these thoughts, impulses, and images. Obsessions and compulsions take up the person's time and cause great distress, disrupting their daily functioning.

CHARACTERS: BLANCA: Blanca is a 35-year-old laboratory technician. She has an intense level of cleaning compulsions. She is afraid of contracting various illnesses, viruses, and infections from every object and person she touches. In the film, when other characters touch her, she experiences great discomfort and exhibits a behavior of washing her hands in the bathroom for minutes. Blanca's social functioning has been disrupted due to her fear of catching germs and her compulsions. In fact, Blanca summarizes her situation in the movie with the sentence, "I isolated myself from everything, sometimes cleaning takes so much time that I don't have time to live."

OTTO: Otto, who lives with his mother, is a character with symmetry and order obsessions. He has an obsession with not stepping on lines, which makes his movements seem strange and damages his social relationships. Otto has the Organizing - Ordering subtype of OCD, and he feels compelled to place objects in a certain order. When asked why, he says he feels more comfortable doing so, rather than providing a logical explanation. This situation is different from an ordinary person's sense of order, as slight displacement of an object from its place causes great discomfort, and the person feels the urgent need to correct it.

FEDERICO: Federico is a 60-year-old single man who has had Tourette syndrome since he was 11 years old. Tourette syndrome includes many different motor and vocal tics. In the film, our character has a tic that includes obscene words and gestures. This is called Coprolalia. Individuals with Coprolalia repeat, involuntarily, body movements and loudly utter obscene words that can be socially disturbing. People with this syndrome, like Federico, experience a significant decrease in their quality of life. As we see in Federico's case, people with this syndrome find it very difficult to socialize and establish relationships with others.

EMILIO: Emilio is a taxi driver who suffers from counting compulsions (arithmomania) and hoarding and saving compulsions. Individuals with counting compulsions cannot resist counting and keeping track of things around them to cope with their obsessions. In the film, Emilio, who has counting compulsions, shows signs of counting objects (stair steps), doing mathematical calculations, and counting words. Another compulsion that Emilio has is hoarding and saving, where individuals with this compulsion collect and accumulate things that others consider insignificant and have difficulty throwing them away, even experiencing great anxiety when attempting to dispose of them, believing that they will need them one day. Emilio's compulsions have disrupted his quality of life and damaged his interpersonal relationships, leading to divorce from his wife.

LILI: Lili is a fitness instructor who is a single woman. After her father's death, Lili developed echolalia and palilalia. Individuals with echolalia repeat sounds made by someone else, while those with palilalia repeat the speaker's words with varying degrees of repetition. If Lili does not repeat these phrases, she is afraid that something bad will happen to her. In other words, she neutralizes the thought of something bad happening by expressing it in her behavior (word/sentence repetition).

ANA MARIA: Ana Maria is a housewife with various checking compulsions. She has specific routines to follow before leaving the house, such as checking if the stove is on, if the windows are open, or if the faucets are turned off. She also performs certain religious ritualistic practices, including praying and touching the statue of Jesus before leaving the house. Ana Maria's fundamental belief is that if she doesn't check things before leaving the house, she may face various disasters. She neutralizes this idea with her checking behavior, thinking that the same thing that she hears about in bad scenarios can happen to her. For example, she believes that not making the sign of the cross when hearing bad words or curses can make her a sinner.

These six characters, who have different subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder, start discussing their diagnoses when they realize that the doctor won't be coming. At this point, they start trying some methods to decrease their problematic behaviors. Supporting each other, they use a technique called "exposure therapy" in psychology and try to spend time without performing their compulsions. At the end of the movie, they realize that their mutual support and the exposure therapy they have applied have resulted in some improvement in their compulsions, even for a short time.

Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:38:02 +0300 Aleyna Uçar
Joker The Joker movie has aroused great interest since its release in 2019 and has been the subject of many discussions. The film tells the story of Arthur Fleck, a lonely man in Gotham City, who struggles with psychological problems and social pressures. Joaquin Phoenix's superb performance and director Todd Phillips' remarkable cinematography make the film even more intriguing.

Before starting the psychological analysis of the Joker movie, it should be noted that the character described in the movie is a comic book character and not an analysis of real-life psychological problems.

The main character of the movie, Arthur Fleck, is a character who draws attention with his violent behavior. Fleck's life begins when he leads a lonely and insecure life with his mother, influenced by the traumatic events he experienced in his childhood. It is also revealed that Fleck has schizophrenia and cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. This explains the distortions in the way he perceives and interprets the real world.

Fleck's psychological condition worsens as he is ostracized by society. Being ridiculed, being unemployed and all the difficulties in his life lead him to commit suicide. However, Fleck gives up at the last moment and begins to create his own reality.

Fleck begins to reject and change everything about himself. She puts on costumes, puts on make-up and meets the character of the Joker. The Joker appears to be a salvation in Fleck's life, giving him the opportunity to express and control himself.

Throughout the movie, the birth of the Joker character is traced. Fleck decides to become the Joker and leads a violent uprising in the city. These behaviors are a reflection of his previously suppressed anger and pain.

The psychological analysis of the movie Joker shows the conflicts in human nature and the consequences of social oppression. While Fleck opposes the social injustice and injustice done to him in the city, he also struggles with his own inner conflicts.

The film delves into Fleck's mental health disorders, traumas caused by social pressure, and feelings of loneliness and exclusion. Fleck's character, on the one hand, identifies with the Joker identity to express himself, on the other hand, expresses desperation, hopelessness and anxiety.

However, the psychological analysis of Joker is not limited to Fleck's character. The visual aesthetics, color palette and music of the film are also used to reflect the mood of the character. In particular, after Fleck's identification with the Joker, the colors darken and the film takes on a more intense and dark atmosphere.

Psychological analysis of Joker deals with the impact of society on individuals and the causes of psychological disorders. Fleck's character is a helpless and lonely character, exposed to the compelling influences of society. Therefore, her mental state is meaningful to anyone who questions the meaning of life, opposes social injustice and struggles with traumas.

Psychological analysis of the Joker movie is important to understand the conflicts and inner worlds of the characters in the movie. While the film deals with the dark and conflicting aspects of human nature, it also gives a message for the protection of human values and ensuring social harmony.

Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:40:35 +0300 Yelda Aslı Reyhan