Sayedra Psychology Blog & : Neuroscience Sayedra Psychology Blog & : Neuroscience en Copyright 2022 Sayedra Software & All Rights Reserved. Mirror Neuron The concept of mirror neurons has become popular in recent years and has attracted the attention of researchers. Discovered by Rizotti et al. in the early 1990s during the examination of macaque monkeys, these neurons were found in the inferior parietal lobe of the brain. It was determined that this group of neurons was activated not only when macaques grasped or manipulated objects but also when they observed the movements of a human or fellow macaque (Hari et al., 2021).

Mirror neurons differ from visual and motor neurons as they contain both visual and motor responses in the same neuron. Therefore, they are considered different from pure visual neurons (Herrington et al., 2011). It should be noted that, in the perception of movements, there are both visual and motor systems besides visual systems. In short, the perception and production of movements involve an integrated process rather than two separate cognitive processes (Demir and Gergerlioğlu, 2012). In brain imaging studies, the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and inferior parietal gyrus (IPG), along with Brodmann areas 44-45, are recognized as classical areas belonging to the mirror neuron network (Hari et al., 2021).

In a study, lesions were created with rTMS in the mirror neuron system's areas, including the Broca area and IFG, and the ability of subjects to imitate various actions was examined. The results showed a decrease in imitation and repetition skills in subjects with created lesions (Heiser et al., 2003). In a study conducted by Fazio et al. (2011) on individuals with Broca's aphasia but without apraxia, participants were found to be unable to predict the sequence of actions performed by a human but could predict the sequence of independent physical movements.

Mirror neurons can be activated differently depending on the observer's perspective. In a study conducted by Caggiano et al. (2011), different subsets of mirror neurons were found to be activated when an action was observed from a distance compared to when it was observed from the perspective of the action performer.

For mirror neuron activity in humans, a purely visual path is not necessary; it can also be activated acoustically or tactically. Mirror neurons can be activated acoustically when there is sufficient auditory information (Ricciardi et al., 2009).

Mirror neurons, in humans as well as in macaque monkeys, replicate and imitate movements, but they are more developed in humans. In addition to these features, it is known that mirror neurons play a role in various complex functions such as empathy, language, learning, and memory (Hari et al., 2021).

In a study, viewers were shown various films, and the control group was shown an unedited segment from a typical day in the park. Brain activities were measured with fMRI, and it was examined whether there was a difference between the shown segments. According to the results of correlation analysis, there was a moderate to high correlation between segments obtained from various and different films, while there was a low correlation between segments shown in the park (Hasson et al., 2008). Because the plot and emotions in cinema are considered to be more significant than in a typical day at the park, viewers' mirror neurons were thought to be more activated, leading to higher brain activities.

It is suggested that mirror neurons play a role in many diseases. For example, lower mirror neuron activity has been found in autism patients. This implies that mirror neurons play a crucial role in communication. Mirror neuron activity also plays a role in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS diseases, and the mirror neuron activities of patients with these diseases were found to be lower compared to healthy individuals (Hari et al., 2021).

In conclusion, mirror neurons play a role from primitive behaviors to higher cognitive behaviors. Mirror neurons provide a vital convenience for human beings, who are social beings. This neuron network, which is still the subject of extensive research today, holds great importance. Studies on the activation of these neuron networks in clinical diseases and their improvement in clinical patients are still on going.


  • Hari E, Cengiz C, Kilic F, Yurdakos E. A clinical approach to the mirror neuron system and its functions. J Ist Faculty Med 2021;84(3):430-8. doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.2021.81b4218
  • Demir, E.A. ve Gergerlioğlu,H.S. (2012). Ayna Nöron Sistemine Genel Bakış. Eur J. Med Sci,2(4),122-126.
  • Heiser M, Iacoboni M, Maeda F, Marcus J, Mazziotta JC. The essential role of Broca’s area in imitation. Eur J Neurosci,17(5),1123-8.
  • Herrington,J.D.,Nymberg,C., Schultz, R.T.(2011).Biological motivation task performance predicts superior temporal sulcus activity. Brain Cogn,3(77),372-81.
  • Caggiano,V., Fogassi,L., Rizolatti,G.,Thier,P.,Giese M.A.,Casile A.(2011). View-based enconding of actions in mirror neurons in area F5 in macaque premotor cortex. Curr Biol,21(2),144-148.
  • Ricciardi,E.,Bonino,D.,Sani,L.,Vecchi,T.,Guazzelli,M.,Haxby,JV.,Fadiga,L.,Pietrini,P. (2009). Do we really need vision? How blind people “see” the actions of others. J  Neusci,29(97),9719-24.
  • Fazio,P.,Cantagallo,A.,Craighero,L.,D’Auliso,A.,Roy AC.,Pozoo,T. Ve ark.(2009). Enconding of human action in Broca’s area. Brain,132(7),1980-8.
  • Hasson, U., Landesman, O., Knappmeyer, B., Vallines, I., Rubin, N. & Heeger, D. J. (2008). Neurocinematics: The neuroscience of film. Projections, 2(1), 1-26.
  • Demirtaş,H.(2002), İletişim Psikolojisi. Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık.,93-111.
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 02:58:51 +0300 Büşra Haliloğlu
IMPORTANT COGNITION: MEMORY Memory is generally the process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information. We classify memory in terms of time and content. These three basic types of memory are called Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory. Sensory memory is the first phase that stores information for seconds. This allows recording, coding. Information and images may be lost as soon as the attention shifts to other points.

The secondary memory is Short-term memory. The information is kept for 15-30 seconds. It can hold up to 5-7 pieces of limited information. Thanks to methods such as continuous repetition – for example, constantly repeating a phone number in order not to forget it at that moment and keeping it in our minds for a while - and clustering – remembering similar pieces of information by clustering them – it can be extended for a while for the information, the image to remain in the short-term memory.

The Repetition also helps information move and store into long-term memory. In this way, information moves from short-term memory to long-term memory. Long-term memory can hold a lot of information for many years and acts as an archive. The information stored here is removed from the archive to recall when necessary. Long-term memory is divided into as explicit and implicit memory. We consciously remember our information in the explicit memory. The Explicit memory consists of episodic memory and information, which includes personal experiences, and semantic memory, which includes phenomena. The information in our semantic memory also affects our episodic memory.

In implicit memory, which is another part of long-term memory, is divided into Preparation Memory, Operational Memory, and Conditioning. Procedural Memory contains information on how skills and tasks will be. It is also referred to as Skill memory. It allows us to display our skills without thinking. For example, the ability of riding a bicycle. We don't relearn cycling every time because the skill is enrolled in procedural memory. Well-learned procedural require no attention for memory and skills, and action is automatized. Preparation is when the response to a previously exposed reaction changes the response to another reaction. Finally, conditioning refers to classical conditioning. That is, a neutral stimulus that previously had no effect acquires new properties when paired with a new stimulus that causes a response.

Memory can be damaged in many diseases such as Alzheimer's, depression, schizophrenia and OCD. Many brain regions, including the hippocampus, play an active role in memory cognition.

As we understand from Elizabeth Loftus's car accident experiment, memory cognition, which is very important for our lives, may not be as perfect in healthy people as we think. We can remember as if we've done a lot of things we haven't done, we have had the childhood memories we didn't live through. This can cause major problems not only in our daily life, also in matters such as witnessing in judicial processes.





E. Bruce Goldstein, (2004). Cognitive Psychology. Cengage Learning 3rd ed.

F. Sayar (2011).Autobiagraphic Memory and Variables Affecting Autobiographical Memory. The Social Science Journal.

Ali Osman E., Mustafa C., Sibel G. (2008). Long Term Memory and Learning. The Social Science Journal.



Mon, 13 Nov 2023 22:20:20 +0300 Zeynep
BROCA’S AND WERNICKE’S AREAS French surgeon Paul Broca made the first study to explain the relation of our brain with language in 1861. After the death of his patient, whom he named "Tan" because it was the only sound he could make, the lesion he found in the left hemisphere according to the brain examinations he made was the beginning of his studies on this subject. In his various studies after that, Paul Broca saw that the left hemisphere has the 'language center' in our brain. For this reason, this area is called Broca's area.

Broca's area is located in the inferior frontal gyrus in the left hemisphere, corresponding to areas 44 and 45 on the Brodmann map. This field, which is of great importance for the expression of language, has two subfields. These; Pars Opercularis and Pars Triangularis. The Pars Opercularis is located in the posterior part of Broca's area and corresponds to Brodmann's area 44. It works with Pars Triangularis to make sense of language, but Pars Opercularis plays a more dominant role in phonological and processing of complex sentences. It has also been discovered that it has an important role in the formation of a person's perception of music. Pars Triangularis, on the other hand, corresponds to Brodmann Area 45 and is located in the anterior part of Broca's area. It plays a role in the interpretation and interpretation of a stimulus, and this area undertakes the task of semantic processing of the language.

The main function of Broca's area, as we mentioned above, is to express the language, but the function of this area is not limited to this. First of all, Broca's area helps us order words according to their semantic integrity while providing vocalization. This allows us to speak in a healthy and fluent way. While it enables us to speak fluently, it works together with regions such as the motor cortex and primary auditory cortex, not alone. In this way, it can coordinate joint organs, namely facial and mouth movements, regulate factors such as prosody, tone of voice, speech speed, and perceive emotional intonations to ensure pronunciation. Also, as we know, our speech and the way we move our hands are interrelated. This relationship is called a gesture. Broca's area interprets the meaning of the gestures we use when speaking to enable the person to communicate more effectively. This interpretation includes animal shapes that we make with our hands in the shade to entertain ourselves or those around us.

If Broca's area is damaged, a condition called Broca's aphasia occurs. The main symptom of this disorder, which causes sudden speech and language disorders, is loss of fluency. Individuals with Broca's aphasia know and feel what they want to talk about, what they want to say, but they cannot express themselves fluently. They have a grammatically incorrect, rhythmless, hesitant speech pattern, but they can only partially understand the language. Therefore, people with Broca's aphasia lose their ability to repeat sentences. In addition, their ability to write and read aloud is impaired.

With his discovery of Broca's area, Paul Broca has led other scientists to do research on the role of the brain in language and speech. A few years after Broca, in 1874, Carl Wernicke discovered a lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere, which corresponds to area 22 on the Brodmann map, in some of his patients with speech problems, and named this area Wernicke's Area.

The most basic function of Wernicke's area is the perception and understanding of language. This area provides the meaning of words by solving the structure of difficult and simple sentences, that is, it undertakes the task of managing language semantics. Therefore, it becomes active when someone else speaks, when we speak ourselves, or when we remember words through our memory, thus processing the language and allowing it to be interpreted. In addition, Wernicke’s area also has important tasks in reading and writing. Therefore, this area works in conjunction with the auditory cortex.

If Wernicke's Area is damaged, a condition called Wernicke's aphasia occurs. Unlike Broca's aphasia, individuals with Wernicke's aphasia have fluency. The person speaks fluently with correct grammar, but the sentence has no integrity of meaning. They make sentences that have no meaning and are not aware of this situation, but they can still form melodic and rhythmic sentences. Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia speak quickly and produce meaningless words. This aphasia creates difficulties in understanding language heard from another person, in addition to difficulties in forming a meaningful sentence. Therefore, Wernicke's aphasia can affect both spoken and written language.

Sun, 04 Jun 2023 02:46:38 +0300 Aleyna Uçar

While examining the relationship between the brain and emotions, emotional neuroscience focuses on the formation, development, and effects of emotions, the nervous mechanisms, which are the main components of emotions, the causes, and consequences of these mechanisms on human and animal behavior, with the disciplines of psychology, neuroscience, and biology. In this direction, the basis of emotions, their neural substrates, and their effects on our behavior are examined.

Emotional neuroscience studies the areas of the brain involved in emotional processing. At this point, the amygdala is of great importance. The amygdala is primarily responsible for detecting stimuli on the basis of emotional importance, with fear and threat elements. However, the Prefrontal Cortex, which is responsible for higher cognitive functions, is responsible for emotion regulation and evaluation. Emotional experiences occur as a result of the interactions of the responsible regions in the brain.

In emotional responses, neurotransmitters (especially serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline) and hormones are of great importance in terms of the intensity of the responses. In addition, the hormones Cortisol and Oxytocin take part in stress responses. Neurotransmitters and hormones are components of fundamental factors in understanding complex interactions, in emotional neuroscience, and in generating emotional responses in this context.

Emotional Development is defined as the development of the skills to understand, experience, express and manage emotions. In addition to early experiences and environmental factors, genetics also influence it. Thus, it can be seen that the interaction between Emotional Neuroscience and Emotional Development is a result of the interaction between upbringing and genetics.

The goal of emotion regulation is to achieve emotional stability and resilience. Emotion regulation examines how a person controls, regulates and directs emotional responses in cognitive processes (eg, attentional control and reappraisal).

Emotional neuroscience examines not only the monopoly of emotions, but also the evolutionary development of emotions, the comparison of human-animal emotional development processes, the universal base of emotions, and the diversity of emotions, with great emphasis on animal emotions.

In Emotional Neuroscience examinations, neural activities are observed and measured with methods such as fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and EEG (electroencephalography).

Tue, 23 May 2023 15:36:17 +0300 Rana Gülşen Pekel
NEUROTRANSMITERS There are billions of neurons in our brain. Neurons do not touch, even if they are very close to each other. This gap between two neurons is called a synapse. Therefore, the number of synapses in our brain reaches trillions. This gap is of great importance because synapses allow two nerve cells to transmit signals between them. This transmission proceeds from the axon of one neuron in the direction of the dendrite of the other neuron.
Chemicals called neurotransmitters are of great importance in the transmission of information between neurons. These chemicals provide communication with signals between neurons or between neurons and cells. They are released from the nucleus called Medial Septal Nucleus in the brain stem. Each neurotransmitter travels in a unique way and reaches its own receptor. In order for a released neurotransmitter to do its job, it must bind to protein receptors on the receiving neuron. At this point, if the receptor is a lock, the neurotransmitter is the key to this lock.
Neurotransmitters are either excitatory or inhibitory.

1. It must be synthesized or contained within the neuron.
2. When the neuron becomes active, it should be released from the neuron and create an action and response in the opposite neuron.
3. The response it creates in the opposite neuron should be proven in the experimental field.
4. There must be a mechanism to ensure that it is retrieved after its mission is over.

Acetylcholine (ACh)

      Dopamine (DA) Noradrenaline (NA) Adreanline
- Serotonin (5-HT)

Amino Acids
- Glutamate (Glu)
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

Acetylcholine (ACh)
• It is the first neurotransmitter found. It is considered on its own as it does not fit into other structural classifications. It plays a key role for the neuromuscular junction and some synapses. It is important for both the central and peripheral nervous systems. memory and learning in the central nervous system; In the peripheral nervous system, it is effective in sending messages to the muscles and glands.
• Linked to Alzheimer's disease.
• Like serotonin and dopamine, it is not transported back into the cell. After use, it is broken down and recycled by the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase.
• Some toxins, such as Botulinum Toxin, prevent the acetylcholinesterase enzyme from working. Failure of acetylcholinesterase to work causes muscle problems. Therefore, Botulinum Toxin has effects such as paralysis, cessation of breathing, cardiac arrest and tremor.
• Acetylcholine has 2 types of receptors. These receptors get their name from their Agonists, which perform the same function.
1. Muscarinic Receptors
- It is found in a mushroom.
- It affects the intracellular signaling mechanism.
- Depending on its type, it sends a warning and stop signal to the cell.

2. Nicotinic Receptor
- It is found in tobacco.
- Ligand-gated ion channel. When acetylcholine binds to this channel, sodium, potassium and calcium ions enter the cell.
- Found in neurons and muscles.

• Cholinergic System and Cognition
- There are 2 types of systems:
1. Sympathetic Nervous System: "Fight or Flight"
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System: “Nutrition and Urea” – “Rest and Digest”
- Cholinergic system is another name for Parasympathetic Nervous System. The main precursor of this system is Acetylcholine. It uses Acetylcholine while preparing the body to feed, rest, reproduce and digest.


• Dopamine (DA)
- It is necessary for basal ganglia to process.
- Produces intense feelings of pleasure. Excess secretion may cause Schizophrenia, under secretion may cause Parkinson's Disease.
- It is the main neurotransmitter of the Mesocorticolimbic System, which is an important part of the reward system and related to addiction.
- It is produced in two places:
1. Substantia Nigra (SN)
It is in the midbrain.
Responsible for reward and movement.
It is an important location for Parkinson's Disease.
It has a darker structure due to the amount of Melanin hormone in its structure.
2. Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)
It is in the midbrain.
It produces neurons with cognitive function.
It has to do with pleasure, learning, motivation and drug addiction.

• Noradrenaline (NA)
- It is produced in the brain stem.
- A decrease or increase in its level affects the mental state. For example, low levels of noradrenaline can lead to depression.

• Adrenaline
- Produced by the adrenal glands.
- Prepares the organism for immediate action.

• Serotonin (5-HT)
- Affects mental state and social behavior.
- Antidepressants prevent Serotonin reuptake and keep Serotonin in the synapses.

• Catecholamines and Serotonin
- Catecholamines are produced by nervous tissue, brain and adrenal glands. They give the message of "Fight or Flight", which is the message of the Sympathetic Nervous System.

- There are 3 catecholamines:
1. Dopamine (DA)
2. Noradrenaline (NA)
3. Adrenaline

- Although these three catecholamines are produced in the same place, they differ as a result of biosynthesis.

- Biosynthesis
It is the reason for the main difference of catecholamines.
It ensures the survival, growth and development of the organism.
Its raw material is Tyrosine. The first place where Tyrosine emerges as an amino acid is the liver. It is important for healthy brain development.
In catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine is first sent to the brain. As a result of biosynthesis, Tyrosine is converted to Dopamine, Dopamine to Noradrenaline, and Noradreanline to Adrenaline.

Amino Acids
• Glutamate (Glu)
- It's a warning. It depolarizes the neuron from which it is released.
- Affects learning and memory.
- Disruption in transmission can lead to Schizophrenia.

• Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
- It is an important neurotransmitter with inhibitory effect.
- Benzodiazepine and similar antidepressant drugs have a calming effect thanks to the inhibition of GABA.
- Picrotoxin drug causes convulsions by closing GABA receptors.

Fri, 17 Mar 2023 18:54:13 +0300 Rana Gülşen Pekel
Neurons and Synapses: The Brain's Communication System The brain is the control center of our nervous system and the most complex organ that regulates the functions of our body. The basic unit of the brain is neurons, and they coordinate brain activity by communicating through synapses.

Neurons are cells in the body that process and transmit information. These cells are generally long, thin and branched in the body. Neurons use electrical and chemical signals for transmission. Neurons basically consist of three parts: dendrites, cell body and axons.

Dendrites are branched structures of neurons to receive signals from other neurons. These signals can be electrical or chemical. The cell body is the part that collects and processes signals from the dendrites. Axons are long extensions from the cell body and are used to transmit signals to other neurons or cells.

Neurons use electrical and chemical signals for transmission. Electrical signals are generated by the movement of ions within the neuron. The ions carry an electrical charge as they pass through the neuron's membrane, and this creates an electrical signal inside the cell. Chemical signals occur at synapses at the end of the neuron. These synapses are where neurons communicate with each other or with cells.

Synapses are special junction points used for communication between neurons. Synapses secrete neurotransmitters, which are small projections at the end of the neuron. These neurotransmitters form a signal by binding to receptors on the dendrites of other neurons or target cells.

Communication between a neuron and another neuron occurs when electrical signals travel from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another. Electrical signals trigger the release of neurotransmitters at a synapse. These neurotransmitters bind to the dendrites of other neurons or target cells.

generates a signal. This signal turns into an electrical signal in the target neuron or cell and the communication process continues.

Neurons and synapses are vital to the communication system in the brain. The electrical activity of neurons and chemical signals between synapses regulate cognitive, emotional and motor functions in the brain. Therefore, the functioning of neurons and synapses is key to the healthy functioning of the brain.

Neurons and synapses can be affected by a variety of factors that have a direct impact on brain health. Factors such as stress, aging, lack of sleep, poor diet, alcohol or drug use can negatively affect the health of neurons and synapses. In addition, some neurological diseases can have serious effects on neurons and synapses.

Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:58:31 +0300 Yelda Aslı Reyhan