Mirror of Society: Reflections of Collective Narcissism

In ancient times, the phenomenon, which is mostly known as “tribalism ,, is today a lot of name as“ collective narcissism ”. Collective narcissism, which appears as a reflection of social dynamics, is a phenomenon in which individuals glorify themselves through their societies or groups and underestimate “others”. In this article, the definition, causes and effects of collective narcissism will be examined.

Oct 9, 2023 - 14:41
Oct 14, 2023 - 22:58
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Mirror of Society: Reflections of Collective Narcissism
Mirror of Society: Reflections of Collective Narcissism

What is Collective Narcissism?

 Diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder according to DSM-5; With individuals who show the symptoms such as over -causing self -care and exaggerating their importance, exploiting others and keeping their own interests in the forefront, not paying attention to the emotional needs and thoughts of others, waiting for excessive praise and admiration from others, and constantly believing that they are jealous by others. associated.

 Symptoms of individual narcissism are guiding for understanding collective narcissism. Erich fromm explains collective narcissism as the situation in which individuals define themselves as a part of the society or group in which they are located, and that this society or group greatly shaped the identities of individuals. Golec de Zavala explained collective narcissism as “an unrealistic believing of an unique size of an internal uniqueness and in -the -group identification that enables him to make emotional investment in this belief.” , 2023, p.215) In short, collective narcissitis individuals show excessive commitment to their groups and attribute exaggerated achievements and superior features for these groups. At the same time, they try to strengthen their own group identities by underestimating and criticizing “other” groups.

 Causes of Collective Narcissism

 There are many reasons behind collective narcissism. The common point of the researches; “It is the fact that individuals who have not met, neglected or who have been disappointed because of their experiences tend to develop collective narcissism.” They feel belonging to a group. At this point, it is important that collective narcissism is not confused with concepts such as nationalism. The main difference between the concepts defining commitment to one group and collective narcissism is that collective narcissism is completely closed to “others ,, and the overdoing of commitment to excess. The fact that social media platforms and political leaders create their discourses by emphasizing the common characteristics of certain groups in order to bring them closer to them.

 Effects of Collective Narcissism

 Collective narcissism may vary according to the dynamics of society. Nevertheless, the main effect can be determined as social division. The overdoing of group belonging and the other group disdain leads to conflict and division between groups. Excessive group identity can increase the tendency to hostility and violence against other groups. For example, the Rwanda Genocide, where more than 800,000 people lost their lives, which can be considered one of the most concrete examples of collective narcissism, has been experienced due to conflicts on the defining Hutu leaders as superior and the prisoners as “foreigners .. Another effect of collective narcissism can be identified as emotional satisfaction. Group members can get some kind of emotional satisfaction from defending their groups and thinking that they are superior to others. This may increase the self -esteem of individuals. In addition, collective narcissism can restrict creative thought and make it difficult to accept different ideas, which can prevent the development and progression of society. As a result, the effects of collective narcissism can seriously limit the ability of societies to live together and cooperate, so it is important to recognize this phenomenon and to address it from a critical perspective.

 Collective narcissism has become a psychological phenomenon that has attracted more attention in recent years. This phenomenon, which can be seen in different parts of the society, includes behaviors such as extreme commitment of individuals to their groups, emphasizing the superiority of group members and hostility towards other groups. Collective narcissism can have both psychological and social consequences. When people understand the existence of this phenomenon, they can take steps to control and correct these behaviors. Training and awareness campaigns can play an important role in this regard. In addition, more empathy and understanding in society should be encouraged. Where collective narcissism is common, it is important to communicate and understand them with individuals of other groups. This can reduce hostility by increasing the understanding between groups. Finally, the role of leaders and the media should not be forgotten. Leaders are the unifying and distinctive power of society. Instead of encouraging collective narcissism, it should emphasize the values and unity that hold the society together. In the media, instead of fueling between groups of groups, it must celebrate differences and promote tolerance.

 Although collective narcissism is a phenomenon that can adversely affect social relations, it is possible to reduce this phenomenon with conscious efforts and understanding. Each of us can contribute to becoming part of a more tolerant, understanding and unifying society.


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Betül Akgöl Can. Kolektif Narsisizmin Cinsiyet Üzerindeki İzdüşümü: “Üstün Erkeklik”, İz Yayıncılık, 2023.

Golec De Zavala, Agnieszka vd., “Collective Narcissism: Political Consequences of Investing Self-Worth in the Ingroup’s Image”. Political Psychology, 40 (2019), 37-74. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12569

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