Love Bombing is a type of emotional violence that a narcissistic partner applies to his parterre. The purpose of this violence is to establish authority over the partner. Love Bombing, which starts with conscious or unconscious manipulations, causes the partner who is being manipulated to feel inadequate and dependent. It doesn't take long for the partner who feels above the clouds at the beginning of the relationship to be pushed down from those clouds.

Apr 12, 2023 - 18:32
May 5, 2023 - 01:37
 0  33


  Love Bombing is a type of emotional violence that a narcissistic partner applies to his partner. The purpose of this violence is to establish authority over the partner. Love Bombing, which starts with conscious or unconscious manipulations, causes the partner who is being manipulated to feel inadequate and dependent. It doesn't take long for the partner who feels above the clouds at the beginning of the relationship to be pushed down from those clouds.

   A narcissistic partner tries to become the most important person in their partner's life and make self-dependent by surprising their partner with excessive love and attention, extravagant gifts, romantic surprises, and future plans at the beginning of the relationship. Thus, the partner who has been manipulated will think that will never be loved so much again, that will not receive attention.

   The partner who has been manipulated is ignored, blamed, ignored, and made to feel worthless in an unwanted behavior while being bombarded with love as long as the narcissistic partner behaves as wants. The partner who has been manipulated tries to behave the way the partner loved as before, is afraid of doing something wrong, and self-criticism increases, as a result, self-confidence decreases, begins to feel inadequate and dependent, self-esteem decreases, begins to doubt their selves (feelings and intelligence). Over time, it makes psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic attacks inevitable. But despite all this, the partner who is being manipulated cannot be separated from the narcissistic partner.



1.            A narcissistic partner wants to know everything about his partner down to the smallest detail on the first date. Pretends to be fascinated by the pieces of information. This makes the partner feel very special and important. However, the narcissistic partner's main goal here is to collect information in order to be able to pressure and manipulate the partner with this information in the future.

2.            They tell their whole history from the first date. Thus, the partner feels empathy and closeness toward them.

3.    They constantly expect approval and compliments from their partner. Because, deep down, their self-confidence is quite low.

4.            A narcissistic partner makes very big declarations of love to their partner. He says that his partner is his soul mate, that he is very lucky to be with her, and that no one understands him but her. These words, which will easily affect a person, make the partner feel close to them.

5.            It advances the course of the romantic relationship very quickly. It is likely that said wanted to get married a week after they met. But this is a tactic. This tactic tests whether the partner will break up with them or not.

6.            Always says what their partner wants to hear. This way, the partner feels understood and approved.

7.            Wants to be with their partner constantly. Constantly texts or calls when they can't be next to each other. They want all the time and attention of their partner.

8.            Gives extravagant gifts. In this way, makes the partner feel indebted. This behavior is a tactic aimed at establishing authority in the relationship.

9.            There are intense jealousy problems. Jealous of the time spent with their partner's friends and even with family, causing the partner to feel guilty.

10.          Suddenly, can get all the attention, treat their partner badly, and even pretend that the partner doesn't exist at all. This usually happens when the partner tries to set limits or does something they don't want to do.  




1.            First of all, it should start with learning to recognize Narcissists. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) persists with a lack of empathy, excessive attention, the need for attention and praise, and excessive self-meaning.

2.            Excessive movements at the beginning of the relationship should be carefully examined. It should be remembered that a behavior made at the beginning of a relationship that is too beautiful to be true, but exaggerated, is probably not real.

3.            Personal emotional shortcomings should be known and acknowledged. Thus, narcissistic partners cannot use these shortcomings as a means of exploitation.

4.            A healthy relationship is possible with respect, empathy, compassion, and healthy communication. Since a narcissist lacks these abilities, these concepts are very important for a healthy relationship.

5.            One should have firm views on reality. So a narcissist can't play with your reality.

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Rana Gülşen Pekel Merhaba, ben Rana Gülşen PEKEL. Çağ Üniversitesi’nde Psikoloji Bölümü 4. Sınıf öğrencisiyim. Deneysel Psikoloji, Nöropsikoloji, Fizyolojik Psikoloji, Öğrenme Psikolojisi ve Endüstriyel Psikoloji alanları ile ilgileniyorum. Lisans eğitimim boyunca EFPSA (Avrupa Psikoloji Öğrencileri Birlikleri Federasyonu) ile Mind the Mind projesi kapsamında uluslararası çalışma yürütüp bunun yanında Adana Güzelyalı Hastanesi’nde ve Rehber Klinik’te Klinik Psikoloji, Adana Adliyesi’nde Adli Psikoloji ve Adana Sheraton Grand Hotel’de İnsan Kaynakları alanlarında stajlar yaparak kendimi alanlar arası geliştirme imkanı buldum. Aynı zamanda psikoloji öğrencilerinin eğitimlere ulaşılabilirliğini arttırmaya yönelik oluşturulan bir eğitim platformunda Üniversite Temsilciliği ve Eğitim Koordinatörlüğü yaparak tecrübe kazandım. Lisans eğitimim sonrasında nöropsikoloji alanında uluslararası çalışmalar yapmayı planlıyorum. Sayedra Psikoloji yönetim kurulunda yer alırken aynı zamanda Makale Çeviri Koordinatörlüğü görevimi sürdürüyorum. İdeallerim doğrultusunda kendimi sürekli güncel tutuyor ve uluslararası çalışmaları takip ederek geliştiriyorum.