Our parents and the parenting styles they adopt seriously affect every aspect of our lives, such as our cognitive and physical development, education, and social life. In this article, the parenting styles mentioned will be explained. These; There are four parenting styles called authoritarian, democratic, permissive and uninvolved.

Oct 13, 2023 - 19:31
Oct 14, 2023 - 16:08
 0  24

 The first one is authoritarian parenting which is about being strict. Their focus is mostly obedience. They are known for saying “Because I said so.” Authoritarian parents’ behaviors are hostile and aggressive and so they cannot think and evaluate their child’s future in more proper ways. Since these parents are strict and aggressive, their children may become liars to escape punishment and mostly they tend to hide some things from their parents. Authoritarian parents’ children may have low self-esteem and also, they can think that their opinions are not important since their parents do not look like they care about their children. According to Baumrind, these parents: 

• Don't promote verbal back-and-forth.

• Expect that their commands will be followed without question and are "obedience- and status-oriented."

• Have a tendency to use other forms of punishment, such as withholding affection or humiliating their kids, to control them.

• In general, avoid attempting to justify the necessity of rules.

There are some statements of authoritarian parents. When you read it and strongly agree with these, you have to go over again your parenting style.  (Dewar, 2018)

• I yell at my child in a fit of rage.

• I punish my child by withholding affectionate words.

• When the kid misbehaves, I scream or shout.

In short, being authoritarian parent might have huge negative effect on children’s development in all aspects.

The second style is authoritative parenting. These parents have a balance between having rules and taking care their children’s opinions. Authoritative parents’ children are validated by their family so that they can feel that their opinions and feelings are seen. These parents use reinforce to increase positive behavior of their children so it is stated that their children mostly become responsible adults in their future life. In addition to all of these, children who raised by authoritative parents have a chance to be happier and more successful. The feeling of being heard and seen affects self-confidence and development of children. For example, a firm but loving parent might say, "We're going to grandma's house now, so please put on your shoes." Schoonover continues, "If that doesn't happen, an authoritative parent might say the child will be in time-out if they don't follow the rule." (Wisner, 2022)

Permissive parenting is the other type of parenting styles. They are mostly interested in setting rules but not enforcing them. These parents are forgiving and not so much care about poor choices or bad behavior. They generally have an attitude by saying “Kids will be kids.” Permissive parents’ children have problems academically since they do not much care about rules and it can cause them not to be successful in their school life. On the other hand, they might have health problems since permissive parents do not limit what they eat such as unhealthy foods, or do not encourage their kids to exercise or having healthy sleep habits. All of the harmful behaviors of permissive parents largely affect children life and it can make them unhealthy, sad, and so more. There are some examples of permissive parents do to their children:

• Permitting your child to watch TV despite your assurance that they may only do so after finishing their assignment.

• Allowing your child to complete chores whenever they feel like it and refraining from reprimanding them when they put them off or forget to do them.

• Granting their requests merely because they are sobbing.

• Permissive parenting has the following negative effects as well:

• Lack of self-control and self-discipline; low self-esteem; a sense of entitlement; being careless and unreliable; and a lack of boundaries

The last one is uninvolved parenting. These parents mostly do not ask their children about their school, homework, friends and what they through in their life. In fact, they hardly know where their child is or who they are with. Uninvolved parents’ child mostly tend not to perform well academically and also struggle with confidence problems with themselves. Since they do not know much about development of children, they cannot behave properly to their child. Some common patterns of behavior for uninvolved parents. (Cherry, 2023)

• Display emotional distance toward their kids

• Restrict interactions with their kids because they're too stressed out from their own issues.

• Offer scant or no supervision.

• Place few or no demands or expectations on behavior.

• Don't show their kids much warmth, love, or affection.

• Skip parent-teacher conferences and school events

Uninvolved parents have a variety of negative effects, some of which are listed below:

• Feel worried or stressed as a result of the absence of family support.

• Act emotionally distant.

• Aversion to becoming reliant on others.

• Possess a higher propensity for substance abuse.

• Must learn how to support themselves.

• Display more delinquency while they are teenagers.

When we look at all these parenting styles, we can obviously see the thing is that individual's life is largely affected by families and how they behave to their children, especially from childhood to the end of adolescence. Therefore, we can say that it is inevitable that these behavioral styles will affect us throughout our lives. Remember, “The basis of everything is family.”



Dewar, G. (2021b). The authoritarian parenting style: What does it look like? PARENTING SCIENCE.,by%20withholding%20expressions%20of%20affection

Lcsw, A. M. (2022). The 4 types of parenting styles and how kids are affected. Verywell Family.

Mcvoteam. (2021). What is Permissive Parenting and How does it affect your child? Brightside Academy Ohio.,just%20because%20they%20are%20crying.

MSEd, K. C. (2023). Characteristics and effects of an uninvolved parenting style. Verywell Mind.

MSEd, K. C. (2023b). Characteristics and effects of an uninvolved parenting style. Verywell Mind.

Wisner, W. (2022). What is authoritative parenting?. Verywell family.,to%20the%20rule%2C%20Schoonover%20adds.


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