
Phineas Gage

The Phineas Gage case is one of the most interesting and important cases in the...

The Little Albert Case: The Relationship Between Fear and...

One of the scariest things for people, especially children, is unexpected and unpredictable...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is mainly used in many different psychological disorders, especially depression,...

Kubler-Ross Theory of Grief

The Kübler-Ross theory, developed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, is a model that explains...

"The Body Keeps Records: The Control Mechanisms of Modern...

The book "The Body Keeps Records" examines the control mechanisms of the modern...


The Joker movie has aroused great interest since its release in 2019 and has been...

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is considered one of the fathers of modern psychology. He discovered...

Mindhunter Series: A Contemplative Thriller on Criminal...

Mindhunter is a psychological thriller by David Fincher on Netflix. In the series,...

The Bobo Doll Experiment: An Important Example of Behavioral...

The Bobo Doll experiment is one of the most important examples of social learning...

What is Gaslighting and How to Prevent it?

Causes of gaslighting include a desire for control, low self-esteem, jealousy, power...

What is Dyslexia? What are the effects?

Dyslexia is a learning disability condition and can affect language skills such...